Memorial wreaths on the tombs, at Queenston Heights, of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, Kt., and Colonel John Macdonell P.A.D.C, Attorney-General of Upper Canada.
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![Memorial wreaths on the tombs, at Queenston Heights, of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, Kt., and Colonel John Macdonell P.A.D.C, Attorney-General of Upper Canada. [Memorial wreaths on the tombs, at Queenston Heights, of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, Kt., and Colonel John Macdonell P.A.D.C, Attorney-General of Upper Canada.]](/images/memorial_wreaths_on_the_tombs_bc_41_small.jpg)
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Memorial wreaths on the tombs, at Queenston Heights, of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, Kt., and Colonel John Macdonell P.A.D.C, Attorney-General of Upper Canada.
Placed there by Mr. John Macdonell, K.C., Glengarry, Mr. Angus Claude Macdonell, K.C., M.P., Toronto, and Mr. A. McLean Macdonell, K.C., Toronto (with the motto, "From kith and kin," on that of the latter).